Friday, July 16, 2010

XPRemap 1.0

This is actually a project started by [cOz]. The original goal was to allow user calibration of analog deadzones. What I did with his work was to expand it and add per player specific button remapping.

Pretty straight forward to use. Read the read_this_textfile.txt for instructions.

Find the files here: Download ([cOz] put up a copy in xbins, so feel free to grab it from there as well)



  1. Great app, but sadly doesn't work for me. I'm a inverted RTHUMB Inverted Y-axis player, and as you know Silent Hill Homecoming doesn't have Inverted camera movement option, only for Shooting(using a gun), that it's really annoying. It's possible add that feature?, thanks for your effort team!.

  2. Excellent little plugin. Any chance of the source code for this plugin being released? It would be sweet if there a way it could monitor for launching of Titles and then apply different configurations based on TitleID.

    If that's not possible, then maybe a combination of this and XPP where a launcher can tell it which remap file and cheat file to use.

    Thank you for this, good stuff.
